This is a Montessori inspired unit to help children ages 2 – 6+ learn about star constellations and their different interpretations over history.
Our goal for the star constellations lesson plan is to make homeschooling simple for parents, accessible for varying learning levels and affordable.
For support lessons read our star themed lessons post covering art, music, reading and writing, science experiments and mathematics.

Materials for Learning about Star Constellations
Constellations Montessori 3 Part Cards
- $4.00 USD available on Pinay Homeschooler Shop
- *Free Version available by Simple Living Creating Learning
Begin by reading books about stars. We will be reading:
- What We See in the Stars by Kelsey Oseid
- The Big Dipper by Dr. Franklyn M. Branley
If you have a favorite book about stars or their cultural meaning, we would love to hear it!

Star Constellation Lessons
3 Part Cards
Matching Game Level 1: Sequencing
- Set out 3 part cards with names
- Set out the picture cards without names
- Child will match the correct images
- Note: Title tags are not used
Matching Game Level 2
- Set out the picture cards without names
- Child will match the title tag to the correct star constellation.
- May use a reference book.
Pin Poking
Constellation Pin Poking
- Place the constellation card on a square of cork board
- Child will place pins at the points of the stars
- Child will pull small rubber bands between the push pins
Pin Poking Variation:
- Pin poke the constellations onto a piece of paper.
- The size that would fit over a toilet paper roll or any household tube.
- Use a rubber band to secure
- Enjoy looking through the telescope.
Star Wheel (Planisphere)
Making a star wheel:
Download this printable star wheel by Sky and Telescope.
- Print out both sheets and cut out the parts.
- For the sky map (Part 1), trim away the gray corners so that you’re left with a circle 8 inches across.
- For the outer sleeve (Part 2), make sure you keep the large white rectangle at the bottom. Cut out the white oval in the middle.
- Fold the white rectangle at the bottom of the outer sleeve so it’s underneath the front.
- Staple the rectangle to the front at the locations marked by short white lines to either side of the oval.
- Slip in the circular sky map so it shows through the oval.
How to Use a Star Wheel
The Star Wheel’s large oval shows the whole sky, and the oval’s curved edge represents the horizon you’re facing.
- Pick the date and hour you want to observe by setting the Star Wheel to this date on the rim of the circular disk.
- Use orange hours when clocks are set for daylight-saving (summer) time and white hours when standard time is in effect (winter.)
- Hold the Star Wheel out in front of you and look at the yellow “Facing” labels around the oval.
- Turn the entire wheel so that the yellow label for the direction you’re facing is on the bottom, with the lettering right-side up.
- If you’re unsure of your directions, just remember where the Sun sets; that’s west.
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